Social Media Marketing Services In Lahore — The Trends Of 2021

4 min readJul 15, 2021


Social Media Marketing Services In Lahore

Gone are those days when people used social media platforms just for socialising. In the 21st century, these platforms are unavoidable and accessible just at one touch. Accept it or not, we are all guilty of spending hours scrolling through our social media feed. The bonus point here is that businesses have started utilizing social media to connect with the target audience. Also, considering that the technology is continuously evolving and consumer trends are hard to predict, getting Social Media Marketing Services in Lahore is a MUST. Though we understand, to know what the audience of today prefers and increase engagement rates, every business needs the help of a digital agency like Xcentric Services.

The Trends We Tap Into When Providing Social Media Marketing Services

Social media platforms are growing and developing like never before, and now, it is more than important to join the bandwagon. With the increasing use of social media, every business needs to make its social presence felt. However, this is only possible by targeting a well-planned Social Media Marketing Campaign and keeping up with the trends. When marketing a business on social media, we are tapping into the following trends in 2021:

Trend 1: Live Streaming

While the world experienced a global pandemic, live streams became a saviour as they helped brands engage with the target audience more closely. The count of people tuned in to live streams by brands increased during the lockdown. Hence, while providing Social Media Marketing Services in Lahore, our marketing team adapted to this new normal. We turned every business’s live events into Facebook/Instagram Live and face-to-face meetings with clients into Zoom calls.

Given the current situation, it does not seem like the pandemic is ending anytime soon, and people now prefer not to leave their house for an event — even a product launch. With many events not happening, brands are having a tough time retailing their products. Considering every aspect, while adapting to the new normal, we have switched to showing products a client offers on live streams.

Currently, live streams are what we prefer to announce a product or service a client launched. Moreover, by using the Live feature on social media, we show the target audience behind the scenes of our client’s product launches. Safe to say, they are benefiting a lot and have become quite a profitable trend in terms of online conversions.

Trend 2: User-Generated Content

Customer experience was never this important as it is now, which means businesses need to humanize the content they post on social media platforms. From what our marketing team at Xcentric Services has noticed, two-way communications boost organic posts. The only trick is to maintain a balance between promotional posts and the ones with which the audience resonates.

We believe that the only way to maintain that balance is by posting user-generated content, which we often post on social media for clients. It helps us create stay-at-home content for the brand that catches the audiences’ eye and takes less effort. Social Media Marketing Services Packages that we offer include posting user-generated content that allows brands to connect with customers directly, attain credibility, and gain trust. Hence, by you investing in them for marketing your business, the feed posting is sorted.

Social Media Marketing Services Packages

Trend 3: Visual And Voice Search

You must have noticed that people have started engaging with voice-activated tools like Alexa, Siri, and Cortana rather than typing out searches. Be it hearing the news or getting the weather update for the day, they use the voice search feature to get answers.

Perhaps, this is happening because we are stuck in our homes for a year now, and human interaction is limited. However, with mobile gadgets being available all around voice and visual search have become dominant. Considering it all, we have started developing an impactful visual and voice identity of our clients to provide their customers a hassle-free experience.

Trend 4: Social Commerce

Retailing products and services directly through social media platforms is social commerce. Though brands have always used Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms to sell, the new approach is social commerce, which is getting stronger day by day.

Ads and shoppable posts that we post on client feed when providing Social Media Marketing Services in Lahore are included in this trend. These posts include buttons like Shop Now and Buy Now that link directly to the client websites. Well, honestly, this trend is one of the favourites of marketers at Xcentric Services. Why? Because it enables the user to shop without leaving the social media application, which means a sale is guaranteed.

Social Media Marketing Agency


No doubt, 2021 was disappointing for most businesses, but social media platforms became their saviour. They started utilizing it for selling online, communicating with customers, building relationships with them, and much more. Surely, it is now THE BEST way to engage with the target audience.

Moreover, there are countless trends for businesses to tap into and establish a brand presence on social media. Out of all, we have mentioned the four important ones above — which are tricky to tap into. Hence, hire Xcentric Services as your Social Media Marketing Agency to make sure you prioritize them in time as they are not going anywhere anytime soon.




Xcentric Services is a boutique technology agency in Lahore, Pakistan.